TPUG - Toronto PET Users Group
TPUG Users Group CD
TPUG Users Group CD.iso
S-Super PET
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Text File
56 lines
** directives **
operands * current location pcr % binary value
$ hexadecimal ' ascii ''' for '
# immediate (value of address itself)
operators > low byte > shift right (dyadic)
< high byte < shift left (dyadic)
- unary minus - subtraction
* multiplication / division
+ addition & logical AND
! inclusive or ^ exclusive or
linker (filename.cmd)
org org $1000 specifies load address of .mod
include include "disk/1.watlib.exp"
bank bank 12 (banknumber 0-15 decimal)
banksize [banksize $1000] (default=$1000)
bankorg [bankorg $9000] (default=$9000)
printalv [printalv] Prints auto load vector in .map file
export export spot=$0900 Routines have access if xref spot
assembler (filename.asm)
nop ; comments (not as top line of .cmd file)
nop nam nam [program name]
nop dsct dsct [data section,comments]
nop psct psct [program section,comments]
nop ttl ttl [title page heading]
page page (advance paper to top of next page)
opt list From this point on listed in .lst file.(default)
opt nolist From this point on inclusive not in .lst file.
include include <disk.filename>
xdef xdef <name(s) of subroutines to be used external>
xref xref <name(s) of external subroutine(s)>
fcc [label] fcc "form constant character string"
fdb [label] fdb <expr16bit>, ... form double byte(s)
fcb [label] fcb <expr 8bit>, ... form constant byte(s)
rmb [label] rmb <expr> reserve memory byte(s)
org org <pcr is set to value of this expr>
equ label equ <expr> or * (= current location of pcr)
set label set <expr>
fail fail (assembler prints errormsg if assembled in cond.asy)
macr label macr [prm1,prm2,prm3...prmn] (prm called as \n-1)
endm endm Indicates end of macro definition
ifc ifc <compare this string>,<with this one, is it same?>
ifnc ifnc <no compare this $ >,<with this one, not same?)
ifxx ifeq ifge ifgt ifle iflt ifne (to zero) <expr>
endc This ends the conditional assy.
end That's it.
if <cc cs eq ge gt hi hs le lo ls lt mi ne pl vc vs> .... endif
if <condition> ... else ................................. endif
loop ........................................ until <condition>
loop ............. quif <condition> ......... until <condition>
loop ............. quif <condition> ................... endloop
guess .... quif <cond> .... admit .... quif<cond> .... endguess